Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Olympus m:robe and b&o headphones

This device is sure to bring you some nostalgia.  This device was at the forefront of optical technology in the 1990's.  They released this audio player and it was ahead of its time.  

This artifact is valued at:  $1200.00.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Gameboy Micro x Supreme

This is an original Gameboy Micro released in 2005.  This device can play ram carts containing videogames in 32 bits.  Play your favorite classics such as Britney's Dance Beat or Super Mario Advance.  This device is stylish and portable.  It includes a promotional Supreme lanyard.  

This artifact is valued at:  $900.00.

Ockel Sirius, Mastabox and Rii keyboard

This artifact includes a portable computer with a mouse and keyboard.  This is the new way to surf the net and do trivial tasks....